Proudly Serving Southwest Ohio
Accurate & Dependable
Land Surveying Services
Providing quality surveys for a fair price in a timely manner – this describes Easley Surveying! Founded by professional surveyor, Kevin Easley, the company is serving a growing clientele in the Southwest Ohio region. The company has a very distinct niche to fill within the larger world of land surveying and engineering. In the paragraphs below, you will see a brief description of the surveying requests that we can skillfully and accurately fulfill.
Boundary Survey
Serves a variety of purposes, three of which are described in this section.
A frequent purpose of the boundary survey is to help a property owner who is building a fence or just needs to know where the property lines are. In this case, a surveyor marks the corners and lot lines of the property, resulting in visual indicators on the land and prepares a map of the property details.
Another purpose for the boundary survey is to spit or consolidate a parcel. In this case, new property lines are created. The survey will be recorded in the recorder’s office of the county in which the parcel is located.
Correcting deed problems is a third purpose of the boundary survey. Occasionally, a county will require a survey before a new deed will be issued for a property because of problems with the existing legal description. This boundary survey is also filed at the recorder’s office.
Topographical Survey
Measures the elevation of your property to identify the high and low points for making a contour drawing. Depending on what is needed, these often show structures such as driveways, manholes, buildings, streets, etc. You might think of it as a very accurate and detailed map. The topographical survey is used in construction and drainage design. On occasions, the topographical survey is blended with a boundary survey or plot plan.
Elevation Certification
Is completed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect. Since surveyors have the equipment necessary for accurate measurements, they usually are the professionals who conduct the elevation certification. The elevation of and around your home or other structures is measured. These data are recorded in a multi-page FEMA form and stamped by the licensed surveyor. Called an “Elevation Certificate,” the document helps establish the necessity for, or premium of, flood insurance.
Plot Plan
Provides a drawing that shows your property shape, size, and the location of proposed construction. It shows locations of existing public utilities, drainage structures, contours, and benchmarks. Most approval bodies require a plot plan before granting a construction permit.
Construction Staking
Serves the builder or designer in marking key points on the ground prior to construction of a building or any other structure. This is a service that takes information on a plot plan and physically marks it on the earth for builders to begin their work.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a survey cost?
The answer depends on what kind of survey you need. The least expensive boundary survey would start at approximately $600 and go higher based on the complexity, location, terrain and timber, reference monuments, and availability of research data. The best way to get an answer to this question is to contact us (see bottom of this page) with the address of the property. We can give an estimate of cost before you make any commitments.
How long does it take to get a survey started?
We typically take two to four weeks to complete a survey. Smaller or urgent surveys often can be completed sooner, if necessary. Just give us a call or email to check our current schedule.
I just need one property line identified, not all four. Can I get a discounted price on a boundary survey?
Probably not. The research and field measurements required to identify the location of ONE property line is basically the same amount of work as necessary to identify the entire property boundary. The majority of the cost of a survey is the research, field measurements (both on and off the property), and office calculations completed in order to know where ANY line would be. This work must be done whether one or all of the property lines are marked.
Do I get a drawing with my survey?
Yes, we provide you with a paper copy of the drawing we produce. PDF versions are also available upon request. This drawing will show the shape and size of your property, the distance and bearings to the reference monument, the official number of the deed of reference, easements and setbacks that impact the property, and other important pieces of information. In some cases, the survey will show specifically requested features or structures based on the client’s need.
Must the survey drawing be filed with a county office?
It depends on the type and purpose of the survey. A boundary survey done for the installation of a fence or some such purpose typically does not have to be recorded at the recorder’s office. A plot plan most often is submitted to a county or municipal planning office in order to acquire a building or construction permit. The surveyor will help you understand whether or not filing is required.
What will I SEE on my property when you have completed my boundary survey?
That’s an excellent question. The first thing you will see is a slender wooden stake about 36” tall with a red ribbon tied around the top at each corner of your property. If you walk to each of those stakes, you will see a “monument” at ground level. Typically, this is the top end of an iron rebar or pipe that has been driven into the ground marking the exact corner or bend in your property line. At times, these monuments have a plastic cap on them. When we find an existing monument, we will dig out around the top, tie a red ribbon on it and set the wooden stake nearby. If we do not find an existing monument, we will drive a 5/8” iron rebar into the ground at the exact point and put a colored ribbon and plastic cap on the exposed end of the rebar. This plastic cap is about 1.5” in diameter with our surveyor’s license number engraved thereon. In the event that it is not practical to drive a long rebar into the ground, other methods of marking might be used. Large metal nails with a dimple in the center are driven in pavement; or an “X” may be carved in concrete. Occasionally, we set a wooden stake on the property line between corners if line of sight is a problem. All of the wooden stakes are temporary markers to give you a quick visual perspective of your property. They will eventually break off or get knocked over. The iron rebars with or without the plastic cap, however, are permanent monuments that identify corners or bends in your property lines.